Sun Valley

How you benefit from our frozen chicken formula

23 Oct 2023 How you benefit from our frozen chicken formula

Benefits, benefits, benefits!

As your personal chicken connoisseur, Sun Valley is committed to providing high-quality chicken products that enable you to get the most out of your cooking experience. Our chicken products are carefully selected and processed to ensure maximum freshness and flavour. This latest blog edition aims to bring you all the benefits of buying frozen chicken products for the menu.

The Benefits of Frozen Chicken Products

Frozen chicken products actually have a quite long and fascinating history. Did you know that the first commercial freezing plants were established in the 1940s? Since then, frozen chicken has been a staple in households and restaurants around the world - just like in our Sun Valley product range. And this is not for no reason! Frozen chicken products come with a lot of benefits. We’ll guide you through some:

  1. Quality and Consistency

    At Sun Valley, we understand that quality and consistency are key when it comes to your menu. When selected and processed the right way, frozen chicken products have maximum freshness and flavour ensured. Whether you're looking for Chicken Nuggets, Chicken Strips or Chicken Fillets you can trust that our frozen chicken products will deliver the same high quality at any moment needed.

  2. Convenience and Flexibility

    Don’t we all recognize the moment when you open your fridge and the key ingredient for the next best dish seems out of stock? There is a solution, as frozen chicken products are incredibly convenient and flexible. It’s one of the main reasons why they are so popular amongst chefs and cooks around the world. Imagine an unlimited stock of fresh-tasting chicken products year round. This is possible! Get inspired by our menu ideas here and make your kitchen workflow at ease with unlimited chicken options.

  3. Longer Shelf Life

    Frozen chicken products have a longer shelf life than fresh ones, which means that they can be stored for longer periods of time without spoiling. This is particularly beneficial for chefs and cooks who need to plan ahead for large events or busy periods. With frozen chicken products, you can stock up in advance and have the ingredients you need on hand when you need them. If you haven’t made the transition to frozen yet, it’s time to make that step and make sure that your fridge is equipped with high-quality frozen chicken products that can stand the test of time.

  4. Reduced Waste

    Protecting the plant is a core value of Sun Valley and one of the downsides of using fresh chicken is that it can spoil quickly if not used within a certain timeframe. This can lead to food waste, costing the environment and your business. Frozen chicken products can be stored for longer periods of time without spoiling, which can help reduce waste and save money. Double win!

Do we need to say more?

So, it’s quite obvious frozen chicken products can’t be missed out on your menu anymore. Sometimes the best solution is simply right in front of you! By incorporating our frozen chicken products into your menu, you can create a formula that combines the best of both worlds: convenience and quality. Browse our selection of frozen chicken products and start experiencing the benefits of frozen chicken products today. Together we shine!